Byorn Gold | Released on 2023-01-31
Someone said - you mature in life by absorbing it
as it’s fed – to you in uneven doses. Try integrating it
Energy – is a constant. Try conceiving it
It may be – your best friend so start, believing it
If what you do and where you really - want to be
work together then that’s harmony
Choose to love and learn and you will be - in harmony
Be aware – for your life you’re responsible
Act and dare – to choose life as your principle
If what you do and where you really - want to be
work together then that’s harmony
Choose to love and learn and you will be - in harmony
The Whole Picture – is beautiful
Learning to see it - is wonderful
The Whole World lies open – there are no walls
The Whole Person – can do it all!
If what you do and where you really - want to be
work together then that’s harmony
Choose to love and learn and you will be - in harmony