Write drunk, edit sober – put on fire, be a stoker
Always hungry, never thirsty – always ready, to be bursty
Let it flow, let it grow - Your story’s coming out, it must be told (repeat)
Think fast, and think again – make your rhythm run that train
Use your words, make an engine – just keep on, become a legend
Let it flow, let it grow - Your story’s coming out, it must be told (repeat)
Sing loud, and sing clear – that’s what they all want to hear
You’ve got lots of room, inside – so take them on for the ride
Let it flow, let it grow - Your story’s coming out, it must be told (repeat)
Choo-choo-choo - What you got - Choo-choo-choo – means a lot
Choo-choo-choo – show it off - Choo-choo-choo – cuz you’re so tuff
Let it flow, let it grow - Your story’s coming out, it must be told (repeat)